Career and community challenges are often the focus of the post-college transition. However, many young adults struggle to connect with a local church and build upon the spiritual growth that occurred during college. Through courses, seminars, mentors, discussions, and engagement with the local church, we help Fellows establish pathways to continue growing in their faith as adults.
Courses & Seminars
Thomas A. Kempis wrote, “Grant me, O Lord, to know what I ought to know and love what I ought to love.” Throughout the program, Fellows will be pushed to further their knowledge of God and His Creation as they engage in a program-long course covering the entire narrative of Scripture.
Through this course, in addition to other seminars covering topics like spiritual disciplines, marriage & singleness, identity, and many others, Fellows will gain a deeper understanding of who God is, how He interacts with us, and where and how we fit into His Story.
Storyhill CHURCH
The Davidson Fellows Program is a ministry of Storyhill Church in Davidson, NC. Storyhill Church was planted in 2011 but has roots that go deep. It’s a member of the EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church) and seeks to Love God, Love People, and Keep Christ at the Center of all that we do.
Fellows will connect and belong in the local church through regularly worshiping together, serving weekly with either kids or youth ministries, participating in men’s and women’s ministry events, and living with a host family. The host family experience can be one of the surprising gifts of the year to many Fellows, as this gives them a unique opportunity to form a deep, intergenerational relationship with a family from the local church and offers a window into what it could look like for our Fellows to one day be radically hospitable and generous with their own homes and families.
Every Fellow is matched with a mentor to walk with them throughout the year. Each mentor is an older Christian who provides encouragement and guidance throughout (and potentially beyond) the program. At the core of the mentoring relationship is a mutual respect for one another, a shared commitment to Christ, and a readiness to meet consistently throughout the program.
Reach out to the Davidson Fellows Staff to learn more about these components.
Hear a former Fellow reflect on his experience during a Silent Retreat.
—Sadie Harden
(Class of '21-’22)