Discover vocation in community

Davidson Fellows is a 9-month leadership and discipleship program for recent college graduates based at Storyhill Church (EPC) in Davidson, NC.

The program targets growth in three main areas: faith, community, and career. We believe that committed engagement in our program will lead to deeper faith, stronger character, and professional momentum.


We leverage our network to connect Fellows to a part-time, paid position at a workplace that aligns with their vocational interest and provides experience, skills, and connections that will accelerate their career.


Through deep engagement in the lives of one another, the local church, and the Davidson community, Fellows experience the joy of life lived closely together.


God is not just trying to fill our heads; he wants to shape and form our hearts. Fellows will be led to pursue a deeper understanding of God and themselves.

Why do a Fellows Program?

Recent college graduates are asking foundational questions: How do I find and engage in meaningful work? How do I cultivate deep friendships out of college? How do I connect with the local church? The Davidson Fellows Program is designed to give clarity and momentum in all of these areas, helping young adults start well in the next chapter of their lives and grow into faithful leaders in their community and the church.

A week in the life

We structure our time to reflect these three targets: faith, community, and career. Here’s what a typical week looks like for our Fellows:

Applications for the ‘25-’26 class are open.