Reflection on Barnabas Training Center

By Hampton Tucker

One Saturday this month, the Fellows attended a training day with the Barnabas Counseling Center. A key theme we discussed while in the training was the value of having redemptive conversations with everyone around us. We learned that redemptive conversations are any conversations that allow us to show how God cares for someone and call attention, however subtly, to their inner longings to be cared for, seen, and understood. Understanding just how possible it is to bring bits and pieces of redemption into people's lives was huge for me. I left this time with the Barnabas Center feeling far more aware of how my words and actions can be utilized as a part of Christ's purpose in the world. It is truly an act of grace that God allows me to have such a prominent role to play in the redemption stories of people I interact with.


Reflection on Rountable


Reflection on Community