Reflection on Host Family

By Sophia Lyle

I was initially nervous learning that I would be living with a host family as part of my year as a Fellow, but my fear melted into peace and relief almost as soon as I moved in and the year began.  It was hard to accept that a family who did not know me could show so much love to a stranger, but the moment I started to let myself receive that gift was the moment I started learning one of the most valuable lessons of my year. Family can (and should) exist beyond biology. This year has allowed me to see a resemblance of family wherever I let myself: among the 10 Fellows, at my job, in the church itself, and in my host home. Letting myself be cared for, fed, and loved in such a child-like way by people who are not my biological parents has felt like such a tangible representation of the gospel. I didn’t expect much at all from my host family experience - maybe a roof - but it has ended up being one of the most precious and valuable parts of my year. 


Reflection on Work Placement


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