Reflection on Work Placement

By Sophia Lyle

Going into the Fellows, I was not looking forward to the working portion of the program whatsoever. Having recently graduated with no idea where I wanted to end up career-wise, I gave the steering team a few vague ideas of some things I may be interested in doing. However, I did not feel a sense of expectation that the kind of job I’d end up with would be something I could actually see myself continuing after this year. Lo and behold, though, the first day of my job, I texted my family that I was at my dream job. The steering team had asked me if I would be interested in working for Storyhill in the Worship & Arts department. I agreed, thinking it would be something I’d enjoy, but not as an actual future “career.” However, I’ve seen myself pushed, pruned, uplifted, and directed not only by the actual job I’m doing at Storyhill but also by the people I work with - and in ways I could have never predicted. I wish I could fully articulate the level of gratefulness I have for the way God has blessed me through my job this year. It’s the kind of thing I look back on and think, “Only he could have known this would be 1000% perfect for me right now.” It also has given me immense assurance in this program and that the people running it, who I am learning from and looking up to, are listening to God in order to give us the best experience possible. Where I used to feel uncertainty and hopelessness for my future, I now feel excitement and peace, and to me that speaks volumes about how God is moving in the Davidson Fellows Program. I seriously could not be more thankful.


Reflection on the Host Family


Reflection on Host Family