Reflection on Rountable

By Willard Gideon

Round table meals have been an incredible time of community with the Fellows and also the Storyhill community. We were recently able to have Round table with John and Heidi Karant and it was an immense blessing to hear from them. Rather than our typical time of discussion, they shared with us their story of how God has been faithful in their individual lives and also their life as a couple. Through years of marriage, the Lord has taught them a lot and brought them through many challenges that only He could bring them through. It was an incredibly sweet time as we got to ask questions to them and I remember with each question they came back to Jesus. They emphasized the point that we can do nothing good apart from Him, it may work for a moment but it crumbles in the long run and ultimately leads us to hurt others, ourselves, or both. It reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” The Karant’s are living proof of this and also so many other people in the Storyhill community and it is a pleasure to learn from them, Gray, Amy, and others during our Round table time.


Reflection on the Intentionality of Retreats


Reflection on Barnabas Training Center