Reflection on her Mentor Relationship

By Caroline Mobley

Throughout high school and college, I had always had people in mentor roles in my life, but never one that I considered my mentor. The structured mentorship aspect of the Fellows is something that really excited me going into the program. It excited me even more to know that there was thoughtful care in which mentor we would be matched with. 

In typical Davidson fashion, I accidentally met Tara at the farmer’s market before I even knew she was my mentor. After sitting down for coffee with her, I quickly learned that she is spunky, has a gift of exuding comfort in all situations, and loves a good giggle. Tara constantly displays selflessness through her generous gifts of time, encouragement, and consistency throughout this year, all of which I am always in awe of. I always find myself enraptured during my time with Tara. I can’t count the amount of times that we have lost track of time and wished we could stay chatting forever.

Something that I am confident that I will carry with me far beyond the Fellows Program is the mentorship I have found with Tara. I just love her so dearly!


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