Reflection on Host Family

By Hannah Matos

One of my favorite parts of the Fellows program has been my host family’s remarkable display of hospitality.

The Esque family has been so kind and generous in welcoming and loving me so well over the past couple of months and beyond. 

They have included me in their family outings and festivities. I spent part of my Christmas break in Davidson and got to join in on some family holiday fun, including gingerbread house decorating, ice skating, and axe throwing. 

They have provided me with a cozy space to work and rest. My favorite days are when we share a delicious meal (Rebecca makes the best lentil soup!) while talking about how our day went. The simplicity and togetherness makes me feel like a part of the family. 

I could say so much more, but I will leave it at this— I am so grateful for the Esques and all the ways they have showered me with love by sharing their home (and dogs) with me so that Davidson feels more like home.


Reflection on Work Placement


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