Reflection on Community

By Jonathan Murphy

Over the past few months, one of the brightest spots of the Fellows program has been the way I have been surrounded by such a wonderful community.  The other Fellows, along with Amy and Gray, have formed such a consistent picture of what it means to walk alongside others as we do life and seek Christ.  Whether I am celebrating new insight into my future career plans or dealing with difficult emotions and circumstances in my personal life, these people have been right there with me.  The devotion each person shows to each piece of the Fellows program is a joy to watch and I have been reflecting lately on how deeply I will miss this cohort of people when the program is over.  Being a part of something so special and consistent is something I don't want to take for granted and I am seriously grateful for these people.

Additionally, looking beyond the Fellows program, I have a great sense of community here in Davidson.  The people I work with at Storyhill Church as well as those who invest behind the scenes in the Fellows program make me feel so valued and cared about.  Finally, I'd be remiss to not mention the many friends I have here in Davidson and how thankful I am for them.  Anytime someone has asked me what I am grateful for or where I have seen the Lord's goodness recently, the answers have come back as names instead of things or stories.  I have many deep friendships here in Davidson that I could have never dreamed of but the Lord has been so gracious to lead me to people who I anticipate will become lifelong friends.


Reflection on Work Placement


Reflection on the Host Family