Reflection on Class

By Willard Gideon

One of the most beautiful parts of the Fellows program is the time set aside to dive deep into Scripture and understand further what it means in relation to our lives. Throughout the entire year, we have been working our way through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We recently started our study of the New Testament and just finished working our way through the different Gospel accounts. These books are some of my favorite in Scripture as they cover the years that Jesus physically walked on this Earth that we are on today. In the Gospel of Mark specifically, I love how much the word “immediately” is used. I believe it shows the urgency for the Gospel that I far too often lack as I get caught up in my own life and don’t remember that this life is fleeting. In Mark 8:36 it says, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul.” This is one of my life verses as it reminds me of the important things in life and that there certainly needs to be an immediacy of the Gospel.


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